All of my offerings are made in either small groups of around five people, which keeps the experience intimate and safe, or on a 1:1 basis. In the Shrewsbury area, with a great deal of my work being held out in nature, on privately owned and beautiful land.

The foundation of much of my work is finding the rhythms of the earth through nature connection. It is my belief that all things are ensouled, connected and in conversation. The clouds share stories of wind and rain when they rest on the mountain tops. We are all part of the web of life. There is magic in everyday, we just need to re-member how to see it. I am here to help you re-member the magic all around you and the deepest parts of yourself, the parts that make your soul sing.

What is the Magpie who visits you everyday telling you? What is the song that the Willow tree sings when his branches riffle in the wind? Where has the water come from that forms the rain drop that just landed on your face?What are their stories and what is your story?

I feel very in my magic when I drum. Shamanic drum journeying holds so much insight for us. This is such a beautiful and ancient tool and it is in our bones. Often people who have never heard a Shamanic drum feel that they know the beat already it resonates so profoundly with them. I am passionate about sharing Drum Journeying, because I know how powerful and life changing this can be when we discover our Shamanic Realms, guides and helpers.

I am a lover of stories. Women are natural Storytellers and our ancestors would have gathered around in circle to hear stories of our encounters with wildlife and the elements and what messages were there for us. We would have known the impending weather through our connection to the land and through our sharing of stories of birds and plants and much more. I am here to help you re-connect and find community through nature, drumming and storytelling.