Events and bookings

This is the place where you will find my up and coming offerings and where you can book onto these. If however, you need further assistance - then please be in touch.

Monthly Shamanic Drum Journey & Drumming Circles Booking at:

Spirit of the Drum ~ July 2024 tbc

Your Shamanic/ Frame drum is ensouled and can be a real ally and friend. We will be connecting deeply with your own Shamanic drum through drum journeying to the spirit of your drum, hear their stories, wisdom and guidance. Connect with the animal, tree spirits and elementals, who are part of the magic of your drum.
Learn practices and ceremonies to use at home with your drum, to honour them and deepen your connection and relationship. Explore drumming as a practice and how this feels for you.
Learn how to drum a Shamanic journey for yourself and deepen your connection with your own rhythm for healing.
We will drum in circle and surrender to the collective rhythm, hum and beat that a drumming circle creates.
Our drums hold so much magic and insight for us and this day is for anyone who has their own Shamanic drum, whether birthed by your own hands or a drum someone else has created and you are guardian of - if you wish to deepen your connection and learn their magic.

Held in a cosy, beautiful and rural ~ private space. Small intimate group of max 5.

Dreaming Awake ~ Shamanic Drum Journeying ~ 19th May 2024 10-4.30pm

Drum journeying is magical. We will be working with how we set intentions for our journey’s, the different ways in which we journey and interpret our journey’s. Drum journey journals and the different ways to record our journey’s. We will be working in the lower and upper worlds, meeting, getting to know and learning how we develop bonds with our Power Animal/s and Upper World guides. We will also be starting to explore these worlds and we’ll talk about how we begin to map our worlds. This will be day of exploring the magic of Shamanic drum journeying and is suitable for those who are relatively new to this, or those who have journeyed a few times and wish to deepen into the practice further. This will be a beautiful small gathering, the space will be held, is in a cosy, private Studio and the maximum number of places for this workshop is 5. Plenty of blankets, mats and sheepskins, so no need to bring these.

Bomere Heath, Nr Shrewsbury ~ The day is 10am - 4.30pm. Exchange is £60. Booking at:

Nature Connection & Shamanic Drumming Circle ~ out on the land 9th June 11-2pm

Nature Connection & Shamanic Drumming Circle ~ out on the land, immersed in nature and the more-than-human world. We will be sharing some simple practices to connect with nature and the wildlife around us. We will be out on some very special and privately owned land, connecting to our Sacred selves and the land and nature before Journeying to connect with our guides, other worlds, and ourselves, . Then we will be creating a drumming circle. You are very welcome to bring your own Shamanic drum, or I have spare drums to borrow. You may prefer to journey rather than drumming, or you may prefer to rest and immerse yourself in the rhythm of nature and the collective rhythm and beat of our drumming circle. This will be a gentle couple of hours, full of connection. Between Melverley Green and Edgerley, SY10 8PF. 9th June ~ 11am - 2pm Exchange £20 Only 5 spaces to keep the group small and intimate. Booking at:

Soulful Connection & Journeying with Trees 30th June 10-3pm

We will be out with the Trees on some beautiful, private land, exploring sensory practices and sit spot practices to deepen our connection to these beautiful beings. We will be looking at how to read a Tree, how to foresee the season ahead and how the landscape around will sound and look like, along with the interconnection and weaving of Trees and other species and their stories. We will then be Shamanic Drum journeying to the spirit of the Trees, to further connect with their insight, wisdom and magic. We will be outdoors, but with access to an inside space. Beautiful rural, private land and location, just outside Nesscliffe, Nr Shrewsbury. Small intimate group, with only 5 spaces available. Exchange is £55. Booking at

Drum Journeying ~ One to One

I offer Shamanic drum journeying on a one to one basis. Shamanic Drum Journeying is full of magic, is powerful and is a tool that is available to everyone. We all journey very differently, but we all have guides, guardians and helpers, who are full of wisdom, knowledge and love us unconditionally. You may have questions, you may be seeking the wisdom of your guides, or perhaps you are searching for direction or to learn more of your own unique magic. Connecting with my guides, my Shamanic realms, the other worlds has been life changing for me. This is one reason why I am so passionate about sharing Shamanic Drum Journeying. I offer this in a private, cosy, snug space, Nr Nesscliffe, Shrewsbury. 90 minutes ~exchange £75

Land Connection ~ One to One

Would you like to experience a deeper connection to your own land? The Tree’s, birds, plants and what lies beneath your feet? I can come out to you and your land and drum for you; for you to journey to the land and the more-than-human world around, for you to deepen and discover a magical connection to your kin friends. Connecting to the land through nature and story. Re-learning how to read the landscape through the stories of our wild kin. Be in touch if this is something you would like to book. These sessions are for no set time, although allow for 2.5 hours

Are you feeling lost, or unsure of the path you are currently navigating? I offer 1:1 nature connection and animism days, on private land. We will wander together, sit together, drink in what nature gives us and I will drum for you, for you to journey to yourself, for yourself - to your guides, for love, connection, wisdom and answers and there you can start to feel back into your own soul. For these days I call upon my shamanic and animism roots. These 1:1 offerings include a 30 minute phone call, so we can chat about our day together and I can organise everything based on your story. The day will be exactly what you need and will be delivered through the magic of nature. The majority of my work and offerings will be made outdoors in nature, on beautiful and private land. I will hold space for you in a gentle way, with complete non-judgement - nature will be your blanket. If this calls to you - be in touch.

Please ensure you read the Terms and Conditions upon booking: Due to being a small business and the time it takes to organise events, I do not offer refunds on booked sessions. However, I do understand that life happens and that things can pop up, which mean plans may need to change. With that in mind I am happy to offer a reschedule of 1:1 appointments providing 24 hours notice is given.

For events and workshops no refunds are offered, however there may be an option to roll over your booking to an alternative session or event. A minimum of 48 hours notice is required and this is dependent on the event and if I can fill your space.

With thanks for your understanding and cooperation.