I am an Animist, a lover of nature and wildlife. I love and live on some precious and special land just outside of Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Over the past years, I have been on a journey, a journey which will continue for the rest of my days. I had started to feel so lost, the only place that felt like home was my place on the land which I am guardian of. This land I know so intimately. She knows the pad of my feet on the earth, how the beat of my drum calls home the rooks. I know when the field fare’s are ready to leave, because their song changes. I know when the first rooks hatch because I know their screech. I share paths with fox, badger and sometimes otter, because I know their smell and their paw prints. I have gathered ancient threads which my soul has reached out for. Animist threads I have weaved and spun gold. A rich tapestry, which I dance upon, where my soul sings and my heart twinkles.

Join me for conversations, storytelling and drumming that bring you back to the magic and your own soul, to experience the aliveness and communion between ourselves and the world around us.

To be in conversation and in a reciprocal relationship with the natural world and the wild ones around us, opens our hearts and our souls. We can feel like we have come home to ourselves and to the earth when we connect with nature. I call upon my Animist, Shamanic and Storytelling roots to help you find your way back to yourself and re-member how you are deeply connected to the earth you walk upon.